Lent begins this Wednesday 14th February: Ashes will be distributed at the 8.30 am Mass this week to initiate our spiritual preparedness for Holy Week from the 24th of March which is Palm Sunday.
Stations of the Cross: The Stations of the Cross will be held at 7.00 pm this coming Friday the 16th of February. Our Stations of the Cross are now complete with the 15th Station of the Resurrection of Jesus in its new permanent position on the wall of the church.
Project Compassion: Please fill your box to its very top during the six weeks of Lent. We need to be people filled with compassion for all the suffering people of the world. Let us be people who GO and DO what is needed for people. We show we love God by loving all other people, both near and far.
Adoration and Confession together for one hour next Friday: On Friday 16th February and subsequent Fridays, after the 8,30am Mass, at 9.00 am, Fr. Patrick is making himself available to hear Confessions in our Reconciliation Chapel. Now that we have a state-of-the-art proper confessing safe and comfortable space, let us all make regular confession of our sins. The practice of the Sacrament of Forgiveness by parishioners in a parish is a foundational sign of life in the parish. Come, Holy Spirit!
GO. DO.: These are the two verbs discovered within the word GOD. When we go and do, we GROW. These three words challenge us to be full followers of Jesus. After sixty years of the parish, it is time again to GO. DO. GROW.
The 60YEARS OF THE PARISH CELEBRATION: You will be pleased to know that Jackie and Barbara have begun the process of writing the booklet that will be for sale on the 19th of May, the Feast of Pentecost, when Bishop Don returns to the Parish to celebrate again with us for the second time.
The Aboriginal Art on the outside wall of the Meeting Room: In January, Fr. Patrick met with Debbie, in Moora, to plan her painting called, “Togetherness.” It symbolises that we are a parish of diverse communities and cultures seeking to become a united intercultural community made up of Australian, Aboriginal, Indian, Italian, and Ukrainian cultures. This sentence is true for all of us: We worship God through our culture. (If I have missed your culture, I apologise.)
A monthly Healing Mass?: Would parishioners like to have the opportunity to have a monthly healing Mass???: This would be for not only parishioners but for anyone in our network (family, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, and colleagues) who would appreciate a healing event in their lives to heal their suffering.