Gracious Gift: 27th April 2024

I hope there are many fruits for you as we continue to receive the many gracious gifts of Easter.

Last week Jesus told he shepherds us through the ups and downs of life. This week his sap of goodness or spiritual fruit flows into us if we remain united in relationship with him with him as our ‘vine.’.

Jesus gave us seven “I am” statements, each one deserving our spiritual attention. These are just wo of them.

Mother Teresa composes what she called her ‘business card’ that uses the word ‘fruit’ numerous times. It is truly beautiful. 

Here it is:

The fruit of silence is prayer.

The fruit of prayer is faith.

The fruit of faith is love.

The fruit of love is service.

The fruit of service is peace.

May these words inspire you all.

Take care

Fr. Patrick

A reflection of the 24 of April Intention by Pope Francis

Pope Francis’ prayer may be received with scepticism by many women. They would say that women’s needs can best be described from inside. It would best be explained by a woman who can speak from inside. Men will necessarily see it from outside.

Lectio Divina Reading Scripture

by Jim Manney

Catholicism needs to generate culture

The power of the Christian faith, manifested in suffering, prayer, obedience, may not capture headlines or clicks, but it is that power which moves silently and unseen, even in a spiritually barren landscape like our own secularized culture.

Consecrated Host Fragment At Mass

By Msgr. Charles E. Pope

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