The Sacraments at Holy Trinity Parish Embleton

1.Holy Mass: The Eucharist
8.30am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
No Monday morning or Saturday morning Mass.
Sunday Vigil on Saturday Evening: 5.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am. A First Sunday of the month Morning Tea follows this Mass for friendship and fellowship.
Sunday Aboriginal Mass: 9.00pm (with Fr. Sebastian). A shared meal in the hall follows each weekend.

2. Reconciliation
Friday Adoration with the Sacrament of Reconciliation after the 8.30am Weekday Mass. From 9.00am to 10.00pm.
Reconciliation by Appointment as requested.
At any time if circumstances permit.

3. Healing Mass
To be advised. Monthly.

4. Baptism
By request.
Two one-hour preparation sessions are required prior to the sacrament being conferred at a mutually convenient time.
It is important for parents seeking Baptism for their child that they know and realise that they are the very first and the most important teachers of their child in giving their child a relationship with Jesus that they have themselves and what they themselves they believe about him as the face of the Father in the Holy Spirit.

5. Anointing of the Sick
Any person may approach the priest of this parish for anointing of the sick or the last rites at any time.

6. Marriage and Marriage Preparation
A couple may request marriage preparation and marriage in seeking to receive a Catholic Sacramental Marriage.

7. Priesthood.
Parishioners in this parish pray for generous men, young in heart to serve the Lord in the Archdiocese of Perth for the people of God.
We know and realise no priests, no sacraments.

8. The Eighth Sacrament.
As. St. Jean de Causade SJ taught, each and every moment is a Sacrament of the Present Moment. This is where the Lord Jesus can be found if we but look for him there wherever we are, whoever we are with. Each and every moment is filled with the amazing graces of God if we have but the eyes to see because the Holy Spirit infuses every moment in time, and every situation.

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